John-Paul Fuller-Jackson
The University of Melbourne, VIC, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
I am a neuroanatomist in the Keast-Osborne Lab characterizing the autonomic and/or sensory innervation of the pelvis in mice, rats and humans. Currently I employ immunohistochemical methods such as iDISCO and other clearing protocols to visualize various neuronal populations and features, as well as standard fluorescence microscopy and super resolution confocal microscopy.
Abstracts this author is a contributor to:
Multi-scale 3D mapping of myelinated afferent projections and terminals innervating the lower urinary tract in male and female rats (20831)
3:10 PM
John-Paul Fuller-Jackson
Data Blitz Presentations: Insights in Myelin and Axonal Biology
Multi-scale imaging of the hypogastric nerves in the adult human (21435)
8:30 AM
Kayleigh Scotcher
Poster Presentations
Morphology of thinly myelinated sensory and autonomic axons in a mixed visceral nerve revealed by 3D electron microscopy, deep learning segmentation and quantitative computational image analysis (22008)
3:18 PM
Peregrine B Osborne
Data Blitz Presentations: Insights in Myelin and Axonal Biology