Chi Pang Tai — The Association Specialists

Chi Pang Tai

Perron Institute, WA, Australia

Andrew completed his PhD with Prof Kathryn Cheah at the University of Hong Kong and won the Croucher Butterfield Studentship. He was trained as a developmental biologist to study different development processes such as chondrogenesis and neural crest induction . He gained sophisticated techniques including mouse embryonic stem cell culture, pronuclear microinjection, diploid/diploid morula aggregation and diploid/tetraploid morula aggregation. After his PhD program, he pursued to understand the evolution of neural crest cells and chondrocytes which are only present in vertebrates. By comparing the amphioxus, lamprey and mouse SOXE(neural crest inducer) orthologues using chicken neural tube electroporation, he uncovered considerable conservation among the SOXE orthologues that amphioxus SOXE is capable of inducing neural crest cells in chick neuroepithelium even though there is no neural crest in this invertebrate. This work provided valuable insights on how neural crest was evolved from invertebrates. Later in his career, he moved to investigate the disorders in other organs such as bone, kidney, pancreas and brain. With his extensive experience in the field of bone and brain, Andrew continues his research journey in the Brain and Bone Axis group.