John Mamo
Curtin University and Perron Institute of Neurological and Translational Science, WESTERN AUSTRALIA, Australia
Abstracts this author is a contributor to:
Synergistic Expression of Human Apo E4 and Amyloid Restricted to the Liver: A Novel Pathway for Alzheimer’s Disease Onset and Neurodegeneration. (#2)
11:00 AM
Ryu Takechi
Oral Presentations: Insights into Neurodegeneration and Cognition
A novel probucol analogue lowers amyloid-beta level and prevents blood-brain barrier dysfunction in diabetic mice (21986)
3:22 PM
Arazu Sharif
Data Blitz Presentations: Imaging Neurodegeneration
Clearing the fog: The potential of plasmalogens in mitigating chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment. (22035)
8:30 AM
Isobel T Thomas-Bland
Poster Presentations