Binosha fernando
Edith cowan university, WA, Australia
Abstracts this author is a contributor to:
Polyphenols from Sorghum bicolor Suppress Tauopathies: Evidence from In Silico and In Vivo Studies (21160)
8:30 AM
Rasheed A Abdulraheem
Poster Presentations
The moderating effect of dietary patterns on the longitudinal relationship between depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline (21433)
3:18 PM
Hilal Al Shamsi
Data Blitz Presentations: Clinical Neuroscience of Stress and Mood
Novel Small Molecule Strategies for Enhancing Proteostasis in Alzheimer's Disease (21804)
12:10 PM
Ajish Ariyath
Data Blitz Presentations: Novel Treatment Strategies for Neurodegeneration and Injury
Role of Butyrate in the expression of Interleukin 4,6,8 in Alzheimer’s disease (21669)
3:18 PM
R.M. Uththara Senarath
Data Blitz Presentations: Neurodegeneration and Pain
Exploring the Alteration of Firmicutes and Bacteroides in Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease (22060)
8:30 AM
Sithara Dissanayaka
Poster Presentations