AUS-mTBI Extend: An extended and innovative model to predict recovery for people with mild traumatic brain injury. (21891)
Understanding mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is a significant challenge in Australia and worldwide. At least one in five Australians will experience a mTBI over their lifetime, with approximately 180,000 cases reported each year. AUS-mTBI Extend aims to recruit 200 participants via three metropolitan Emergency Departments (Melbourne; Brisbane; Perth). Demographic, injury circumstance, health status, mTBI symptomology and care management data will be collected at the time of injury, with follow-up for 12-months or until symptom resolution. Participants will provide blood and saliva samples within 12 hours of injury and undergo a novel MRI scan protocol to assess blood brain barrier integrity, functional networks and white matter microstructure; vestibular/ocular motor screening; cognitive assessment; and balance assessment within 4 days of injury. Notably, the innovative MRI protocol has the potential to set a world standard for imaging after mTBI. Follow-up assessment will be completed by telephone at 2 weeks, 1, 3, 6 and 12 -months after injury to assess post-concussion symptoms, using the Rivermead Post-Concussion Questionnaire (adults), or the Post-Concussion Symptom Inventory (<18years), and quality of life using the Quality of Life after Brain Injury Overall Scale. By collecting data on lifestyle, injury circumstances and pre-existing health factors, and combining this with participant symptoms, we will build a detailed picture of concussion recovery and better direct care, particularly for those identified to be at risk of a delayed recovery.